Message 1: Trust and Obey: Keep it Simple

Question #1: Why was David’s sparing part of Moab acceptable, but for Saul to spare some of the Amalekites, it was sin?

Question #2: Are there sins that God will not forgive?

Question #3: Are the Jewish people saved by virtue of their Judaism or of having been a part of God’s chosen people? In other words, will their race or ethnicity, and special relationship to God as a nation save them, apart from faith in Christ?

Message 2: What Does God Want From Us?

Question #1: How can I know God’s Will for my life?

Question #2: Why does CCFR not pray ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ during Sunday service?

Question #3: If a New Believer in Christ refuses water Baptism how does that affect their salvation?

Message 3: Knowing God’s People, His Presence, and How They Make a Difference.

 Question #1: Do I Really Have to Go to Church?

 Question #2: What Should I Do When it Seems God isn’t There?

 Question #3: What Positive Difference Can Christians Really Make? What practical ways can we as The Church influence society and advance the Kingdom of God?

Message 4: God’s Faithfulness to His People

 Question #1: Are the Jews still God’s Chosen People, or has the Church “replaced” them?

 Question #2: Can Satan read minds? If not, why is he so effective in attacking us? Can he be in more than one place at a time?

 Question #3: How do I exult in my sufferings and rejoice in my hardships? How do I not let my mind be the devil's playground but let it instead be the Spirit’s garden?

Message 5: Living Ready

 Question #1: How Do I Share the Gospel with Someone? How do I lead someone to the Lord?

 Question #2: The Bible seems to emphasize pacifism. How can I stand firm against evil ( and possibly even protect my own family) and still follow this guidance?

 Question #3: What’s the difference between the Rapture and Second Coming? How are we to watch and be ready for Christ’s return?